In honor of #WomensHistoryMonth, and to celebrate the women of BRP Architects, this March we are acknowledging all the contributions that women have made and will continue to make in the world of architecture. Even with architecture being a predominately male field, women continue to prove their passion and talent for design and architecture — despite the challenges they may face. Below we are featuring 6 women here at BRP who would like to share their advice to women in or going into the field of architecture.
Architect & Partner
"My career in Architecture has been more rewarding than anything I ever imagined as a student. Yes, there have been challenges at times with having to prove I am knowledgeable enough to be at the table, but that never stopped me — and don’t let it stop you!”
"Zaha Hadid once said, ‘you’re always an outsider as a woman in architecture.’ I choose to flip it and consider anyone that doesn’t embrace working with women in architecture as the outsiders. We have great ideas, creativity, design fortitude, and typically excel at communication which is being recognized as a force in the profession."
Architectural Intern
"Be optimistic and inquisitive! Being uninterested or unwilling to learn will only hinder you in the constantly changing field of architecture, so don’t be afraid to ask questions."
Architectural Intern
"Never be complacent! Keep pushing and striving to improve yourself each day and work for what you want to accomplish. Hard work and determination should never be underestimated."
Architectural Intern
“Don’t be afraid of mistakes, as mistakes are what help us grow. In architecture, continuing to grow and learn is what we should strive for.”
Student Architectural Intern
"Be confident and passionate about your work! Surround yourself with people that support you and who you enjoy working with."